If you’re a fiscally conservative republican, but aren’t so hot on Mitt Romney’s foreign policy and stance on social issues then consider voting for Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party. Gary Johnson former Governor of New Mexico is the Presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party in the 2012 elections.

Johnson and the Libertarian party both have very strong fiscally conservative views while still maintaining certain socially progressive views as well. Libertarians are most know for their political philosophy of limited government which dictates that the government is restricted by the law in the constitution. Johnson in particular is looking to reduce and simplify the current tax plan. Johnson hopes that he can balance the federal budget by slashing large government programs rather than raising taxes on wealthy individuals. Some of the programs he will be looking to reduce spending on are Medicare and Medicaid. He also plans on reforming Social Security as well. Johnson also looks to balance the budget by cutting 43 percent of the military budget during his first term as president.

Johnson is also in support of decriminalizing certain drugs and maintains a pro-choice stance on abortion as well. He is also has endorsed same-sex marriage in 2011 and believes fully in the separation of church and state.
Libertarianism occasionally gets a bad rap as being full of Ayn Rand idolizing objectivists, with unrealistic economic goals. Though Gary Johnson and many of his supports seem quite similar to the Romney/Ryan group on many the economic issues. Though Johnson follows through in balancing the budget more than Romney in looking to reduce all spending including the military. Further Johnson has been consistent on his social policies while Romney now running for President has backed away from his formerly more progressive positions.

Eric Thor is a contributor for The Rutgers Review.