So the semester is over, and I’m sitting here reading all the newspaper articles I didn’t have time to read during finals week. I’m reflecting on all that happened in that short period of time, and, more specifically, on a simple statement made by our President just a few days ago.

Anyone with two ears and some form of communication with the outside world has most likely heard of Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage. If you haven’t, I really think you should consider moving out from under that rock; it’s not only crushing you, but it’s making you entirely oblivious to the outside world. That said, it’s so important that we recognize these moments and reflect upon them, regardless of our political, religious, etcetera affiliations and our views on the particular situation at hand.

How fucking awesome is it that a politician (a real, honest-to-goodness politician from the White House) is actually taking a stance on something? Not only that, but a stance on an extremely divisive issue that could just as easily kill his campaign as it could strengthen it. It is a beautiful thing when we, for once, can see beyond the “politics” of a politician’s motives and see instead an actual person with real opinions, speaking out in the face of opposition and admitting to a change of heart.

To be the first President of the United States to openly support same-sex marriage is probably the ballsiest thing that can be done, given the current political climate and its seemingly-irrelevant separation between church and state. In the face of an impending election, Obama made a risky decision. This decision, however, is what sets him apart from his Republican competition: he is a real, evolving human being that truly serves as a representation of his people. He puts the well-being of his people before his own political motives and strategies, and that is something that anyone, regardless of their political affiliation, can back.

I applaud our President for making a bold moral judgment and for admitting to a change of heart that, for many, will improve their lives forever. The tides, they are a’changing, and I for one am beyond excited to see where they can take us.

Amanda Matteo