Poetry created solely from statuses created by what-would-I-say website that is currently all the rage.

could you very nice
tell me when breakfast started.

I’m glad we have to make me
read my thighs just as much
to some skins have in college, people

terrible life decisions
first roomie a girl
consistently raving since Tuesday and last

attempting to memorize the entire world
my sentiments are
It looks fantastic.

-Amanda Matteo

Had iPhone stolen, apparently it’s better listen to British acts
I hear and disregards the wisdom to mention this
Some ornate water-based thing.
So far, let’s hope that’s a great night

Help foster cancer research, please consider donating to my puns
Field again from different perspective.
Unless you want to take French, don’t fail me
Typical reaction to draw blade, but can’t speak for red is the color

Previously Farfetch’d and Growlithe.
With all due respect to play some beautiful, hallucinatory pieces
I’ve been disappointed with a fella
In my productivity, but it’s more obnoxious here

I’m so chill, no wonder it’s painfully underrated.
This bag of popcorn goes my ego
The only parking spot that’s a draft of William Henry Harrison’s inaugural address.
I’ve been a bunch of you in my head.

-Dalton Mack

High pitched technology noises coming from the chicken nuggets

Made in my mothers cooking to mold young minds

These are we touch them?

Just bought one of sorts.

Just bought one of greatness

Because they’re shutting down

That is probably my spirit animal

Not the only species who dance?

The vast internet is what?

-Sarah Beth Kaye