no but seriously it really does. when something really terrible is going on in one of my friends’ lives I always tell them the same thing, “Listen, in six months your life is going to be completely different.” I get a lot of mixed reactions.

some friends will nod and understand that what I am telling them is true. others look at me like I’m an asshole.

personally i am pretty aware of this fact. think about this right now, where were you six months ago? aside from the obvious, “I was in school probably starting the Spring semester”, what is really different? do you have an internship lined up for the fall? are you still farting around new brunswick and living the same life you lived last summer? regardless, be thankful. appreciate how far you’ve come, sometimes it helps you go even farther.


for example, six months ago i was freezing my ass off in my first apartment with my lovely roommate billie. we had all of the blankets, and even watched crappy cable tv (that was when we had cable). initially the cable was installed so billie could watch the olympics. i was probably looking over my spring schedule nervous and not knowing that i would revise it three more times. i had no idea that i was going to be applying for studying abroad in the spring, and no idea that i would get accepted. thanks profs who wrote me amazing letters of rec for the research i did. now i’m just getting high in my basement in my hometown catching up with friends.


you would think i would want you to imagine six months ahead right? no. no. NO. it’s impossible to even know this. things change, you meet new people all the time, and at least your musical taste will hopefully be expanded/altered. learn to go with it and accept the change. it’s easier to accept a wave if you fall into it instead of jumping over it. let things go, keep your chin up, and remember the good times.


Carmen Falisi