Holiday season
A natural disaster
Invisible hand

Visible masses
Touching things. Touching money
O please don’t touch me

Thanksgiving was hard
Today we’re all together
Being miserable

You’re the idiot
Excuse me are you leaving
You’re the idiot

Sally Reisch

Reasons not to smoke
Theres clouds of ghosts in my lungs
You’ll love me less

Narcissus may be
A man or a woman but
It’s in everyone

It seems I grow down
Not like stems of flowers but
But petals in the dirt

I married you for
Your eyelashes and belly
Your curves of silence

I need to tell you
How hot I am on fire
Miles underwater

Brienne Pierce

I find better sales
On different days, with less stress
Than on Black Friday

A day when many
Wait in lines. A day to prove
how money rules lives

Pooja Kolluri

There is no such thing
As no such thing at all, you
Must know this by now.

Buy your kids presents
it cures autism, so no
serial killers.

Don’t get too drunk mom
The rest of the family
Is watching you move.

Brilliance is the key
For discovering that all
Is mighty stupid

Crisp crackers with cheese
Wine in a fancy glass and
All that other shit

Nihilism is
Just being much to cool for
Your liver and lungs

Buy your kids presents
from the tv man who says
buy them, prisoners

Ben Raphael

I hate Black Friday
You don’t need to buy new shoes
Get out of that store

I’d rather just sleep
Find me in bed all day long
If I had the choice

Mom I don’t wanna
I’m a five year old whining
Please don’t make me go

Black Friday sucks ass
People stuck with twenty shifts
Just give them a break

I’m the world’s worst girl
Just let me watch some football
And wear old Converse

Amanda Matteo

I can’t sleep right now
Because the military
Is holding me down

Full For Ever But
The Sales Keep Calling Me Back
A Television

Black could be color
But not today, for today
It is religion

Nick Dipillo

Stoned, cold, out of mind
“what’s the best deal on jeans here?”
Burnt, warm, in a line

The mall is sold out
They even got a DJ
You should have been there

Two visits to Hell
But we got what we wanted
Black Friday Success

Russell Dolan

Heaviest traffic
Because of dumb mall-goers
Makes me hate people

Lee Seltzer

We’re all just perfect
gifts waiting to be unwrapped
and left beneath trees.

Don’t let me snatch it
is the last one on the shelf-
I don’t want it much

it is the season
to be jolly so fala
lalala la la

Jake Cheeseman

I’ve spent so much cash
I’ll need to get a new job
Thankful but greedy

Way too much coffee
To help me keep on shopping
Dumb American

There are less people
I miss the chaos this year
But now I own “Coach”

I’ve bought socks and boots
I meant to get Christmas gifts
But I’m too selfish

Alysia Slocum

“in the food court”
everyone stares, well
not at me but at my chair
with extreme envy

Samantha Mitchell