Rosa sat hugging her knees in the pew at the very back of the cathedral.

These seances were old news and she was more interested in whether or not she’d be back in time to sneak into her house before sun up. Rosa had always considered the meetings bizarre– the group wasn’t even going about approaching the dead correctly. All they did was wear giant cloaks, play weird Gregorian music, and chant obscure words in Latin. Despite the dark crux of their meeting, Rosa came to the conclusion that they were all pretty harmless. And definitely fucking nuts. She first came to the meetings because she was invited by a mysterious girl named Luna, who resembled and interacted in a similar way to her Harry Potter counterpart. Usually they would sit and snicker at the group, pathetically trying to contact souls trapped in purgatory.

This time, however, Luna wasn’t in her normal place in the back pew waiting. Rosa assumed Luna was participating. Just as Rosa was about to creep from the aisle and drag back home, she was approached by Luna.

“I’m leaving today, Rosa. These morons finally said the right things and I can go. I wish you could come with.”
“What do you mean you can go?” said Rosa, confused.
“I’m outta this dump.” With that, Luna began to disappear.
“See ya next week, Luna!” replied Rosa, as her mouth turned up in a smirk.
The members of the seance had finished and were halfway down the main cathedral aisle when they heard that tail-end of Rosa’s goodbye.
“Who is that girl talking to?” whispered one gentleman.
Another replied “Oh don’t mind her. That girl’s fucking nuts.”

Taína Spicer

Taína is the current photo editor for the Rutgers Review.